Indian Register of Shipping

Booth Number - SBB-C35

Name of the Company: Indian Register of Shipping

Office Address: 52A, Adi Shankaracharya Marg, Opp. Powai Lake, Powai, Mumbai - 400 072.India

Email Id:


5 Products / Services Name:

1.        Ship Classification and Certification

2.        Technical Inspection & Statutory Services

3.        Marine Technical Services

4.        Defence Services

5.        Offshore Services

6.        Maritime Education and Training

7.        Industrial Inspection & Certification

8.        Management Systems Certification

Indian Register of Shipping is an international ship classification society providing ship classification and certification as well as technical inspection services. IRS held the Chair of the prestigious International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) from July 2019 – June 2020.

Since its inception in 1975, IRS is continually paving the way for progress – setting standards for safety, environment protection and tackling issues affecting the maritime industry. Covering a wide range of shipping, offshore and industrial projects, our team of dedicated professionals brings international standardisation and assurance to your doorstep and is committed to be ‘Your Partner in Maritime Risk Management’.